Castlemans Mill

Castlemans Mill 1948

2 1/2 story stone & clapboard building. Stone is trimmed to be very flat on exterior and no grout shows. First floor as 2 doors different sizes (left hand, smaller door has filled in stone arch over top); 2nd floor has 2 windows; 3 or 1/2 story has two windows under a hipped roof. Small shed-type roof to right may have covered the outside wheel. Possibly the mill on Route 612.

Clarke County Historical Association # 1991.00258.018.A-02

21-13 Castleman's Mill Ruins:

Ruins. All that remains of this mill (also known as Frost's Mill) are the ruins of a stone foundation. Photographs of the mill before it was demolished sometime after 1960 show it as a 2 1/2-story, stone building with a gable roof clad in standing-seam metal. It was one of the earliest mills in the county and is believed to have been constructed ca. 1755 by William Frost.

It later became known as Castleman's Mill. It appears on the Charles Varle map of 1809. This extremely interesting site needs further archaeological and archival investigation to better determine its significance. 


Section 7 Page -47- Long Marsh Run Rural Historic District-- Clarke County, Virginia

21-343 Woodberry Farm (Castleman House):

Dwelling. Stone (aluminum siding); gable roof (standing-seam metal); originally 2 left bays with an end stone chimney (mid-to late-18th century); right frame addition with bay window added in mid-20th century; 2 front dormers added; side and rear wing added ca. 1959; house is fronted by a 5-bay Colonial Revival-style porch with Tuscan columns; vernacular. Was probably the miller's house for Castleman's Mill (21-13). Contributing building.

Carriage House. Now used as a shed; frame (vertical siding); gable roof (standing-seam metal); side lean to; early 20th century. Contributing building.

Chicken Coop. Frame (vertical siding); shed roof (standing-seam metal); 2 bays; early 20th century. Contributing building.

Smokehouse. Frame (board and batten); gable roof (cormgated metal); formed concrete foundation; early 20th century. Contributing building.

Machine Shed. Frame (corrugated metal); shed roof (standing-seam metal) 3 bays; 1970s Non Contributing.

21-344 Woodberry Farm, Tenant House:

Dwelling. Frame (stucco); gable (standing-seam metal); 2 112 stories; 2 bays; gable-end returns; stone foundation; basement entry on north side; flared eaves; 212 windows; 3-bay front porch with chamfered columns and brackets; vernacular; late 19th century. Contributing building.

Meathouse. Stone (random rubble); gable roof (standing-seam metal); 1 112 stories; 2 bays; suggested corner quoins; 4-story square windows on west side; basement entry on north side; stepped brick cornice; 2 doors on east side; left one leads into a room that is a 2-story meathouse; the one to the right may have been used as a dwelling; vernacular; late 18th to early 19th century. Contributing building.

Corncrib. Frame (vertical siding); gable roof (standing-seam metal); formed concrete foundation; early 20th century. Contributing structure.

Barn. Frame (vertical siding); gable roof (standing-seam metal); 4 bays; formed concrete foundation; side 1-bay lean-to wing; early 20th century. Contributing building.

The large corn and wheat harvests of Long Marsh farms prompted the erection of water-powered mills for the production of wheat flour, corn meal, and feed. Thomas Morgan had constructed a grist mill on Wheat Springs Branch as early as the 1740s, and John Frost is believed to have built a mill on Long Marsh Run by 1750. The ruins of Frost's Mill, later known as Castleman's Mill, survive along Route 612 (21-13). 

Castleman's Mill Ruins-HABS (21-13)


Collection Nbr:


Series Nbr:


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Dates :


Creator :

HABS-Historical American Buildings Survey

Phys Desc :

Form, Historic Survey

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Summary Note:

Castleman's Mill-HABS survey, 1958, of ruins of William Castleman's Mill [21-13] on Rt 612 N of Berryville. This mill site was surveyed and plotted in the 1990 Mills Survey [See Related]